In navigating this world, it is important for us to take a step back and recognize where we may have blocked ourselves off from the Love we are and the beautiful life we are meant to live. This may be described as a Damn we have created within us. Harsh experiences we have had where we may feel unworthy, not wanted, not loved, not important, that we don’t matter, that we are not good enough. We become critical with ourselves, even hating aspects of ourselves, and creating a damn of judgment, anger, hate, fear, worry, and shame that closes off our hearts and blocks us from feeling and living in Love.

The gift is we can dissolve and remove this damn when we are ready. When we’ve had enough of the negative and limiting ways of living here, we begin to seek for a solution. PSYCH-K® is a simple and powerful tool to assist you in removing the damn within you by reprogramming your subconscious mind to what you DO want for yourself and to help assist this world. It is reconnecting with the Love of who you truly are, and to change your limited perceptions and views into an expanded, open, loving way of being.

If you are being nudged to make some changes for yourself, look into how PSYCH-K® may be a very valuable and saving grace to assist you! You may have a one on one private session with Mahana (Mary Mazur) that assists you to directly work with your subconscious mind and begin to remove that Damn. You may also come learn PSYCH-K® so you may assist yourself anytime you want to make a positive change ! If you attend the PSYCH-K® Online Level 1 Workshop you begin to work with yourself which is mighty because you have the tool now to help yourself. Coming to an In-Person PSYCH-K® Basic workshop, you get to work with yourself AND others (you can assist your family, friends, co-workers, and clients along with yourself).

We are living in fast, changing times. May you equip yourself with a powerful tool to best assist you so you may change and transform easily and mightily to your highest aspects of you – of Love and Light. We welcome you! . Check out more here :

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