Basic PSYCH-K® Workshops
Break Free from Limiting Beliefs, Embrace Your Full Potential.
Basic PSYCH-K® workshop
In Person Basic PSYCH-K® 3 Day Workshop
You learn to transform beliefs within your subconscious mind utilizing PSYCH-K® in your Daily Life using the PSYCH-K® Balance process, and transform your perceptions of a stressful situation from the past, present, and future. You also learn to work with and assist others in the changes they seek.
You learn how the mind and brain work, and how to create meaningful goal statements for yourself and others with this change process. You learn to directly communicate with your subconscious mind, understanding the language it uses, and become comfortable using muscle testing for this communication link. You learn to align with the Wisdom of Nature, and balance goals related to what’s most important for you now. Many of the areas addressed may be in Grief/Loss, Self-Esteem. Relationships, Spirituality, Personal Power, Prosperity, & Health/Body. Most importantly, you will learn how to get permission from your Superconscious mind before any changes are made, so it is safe and appropriate for you and your life. On the third day of the workshop, you will experience an activation to create your own reality by connecting with your future self. Expanding in unifying ways within you!
At the completion of the Workshop, you will become a PSYCH-K® Facilitator, ready to assist yourself and others in re-writing the software of your mind, connecting you to your heart, uniting your feminine and masculine aspects of yourself to best support you in your life!
Nursing contact hours offered:
* 20 Nursing CNEs – Approved to award 20 contact hours offered to US RNs with a $15 processing fee through 8/17/2022, AHNA #1517.*This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Online PSYCH-K® 3 Day Workshop
For those ready to work first with yourself exclusively learning this accelerated process for change in the comforts of your home, we are now offering an online workshop offering for you. In this 3 day workshop, you learn the PSYCH-K® Balance change process to easily work with yourself in changing perceptions and beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind so you may clear your path to reach your goals, and live your True Essence here.
With expert facilitators guiding you every step of the way, you’ll delve deeper into the mechanics of the subconscious mind and understand how it shapes your reality. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-mastery and growth from the comfort of your own home.
Have more questions before booking a session or registering for a workshop? Send me a direct message, and I’ll be happy to help guide you.