Divine Integration Retreat

The singular purpose of this Retreat is to provide participants with both recognition, and a direct experience of the Divine essence in each of us.

Who can attend this workshop?

After attending the Basic and Advanced Integration PSYCH-K® Workshops

About Divine Integration Retreat

It is inclusive of all religious and spiritual orientations. The Retreat provides an opportunity to identify and change any limiting beliefs about one’s own divinity. In the culminating experience of the Retreat, the effect of group synergy is used to create an energetic environment in order to generate a personal experience of one’s own divine connection. In the tradition of “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” this experience leverages group dynamics to facilitate a field effect in which each person can benefit from the power of the group in this state of divine coherency.

The more of us who recognize our true spiritual nature, the more of the Source of All That Is,  will manifest in the world. It is PSYCH-K®’s way of nurturing sacred global evolution. There is no fee for the Retreat, although you may make an anonymous donation if you wish. Because the Divine Integration Retreat builds on processes and experiences from the Basic and Advanced PSYCH-K® Workshop, completion of both Basic and Advanced Workshops is required before attending the Retreat.

You are welcome to give a love offering if you are moved to do so.

Features & Benefits

What can you expect from attending the Divine Integration Retreat?

Recognize and experience a direct connection to your Higher-Self
Change limiting beliefs about your own divinity
Experience group synergy of Divine Consciousness
Discover your true nature as a spiritual being having a human experience
Learn to see the divinity in others
No tuition fee

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