Schedule a Private PSYCH-K® Session

Working with Mahana (Mary Mazur) one on one using PSYCH-K® allows you to access your wisdom and ignite your personal power within you to identify how you want things to be in a new way for you . You transform these limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind upgrading your Knowingness of who you really are – Love and Light- experiencing love here now in new ways. You dissolve the blocks on your path and transmute resistance into your Light to allow your Love to shine. We welcome you !

Session Duration – 60min

Select a Series Option

Scheduling a series of sessions allows you to dive deeper into changes you desire to make within your subconscious mind for long-lasting changes you intend to have.

3 Session Series
Private PSYCH-K® Sessions

Having 3 sessions allows you to address multiple issues, or one or 2 issues deeply, such as addressing resistance, secondary gains, etc.  

Offer $747  $597

$150 Savings

Session Duration – 180min

6 Session Series
Private PSYCH-K® Sessions

Having 6 sessions allows you to address multiple issues over a span of time. This allows any resistance, secondary gains, etc, to surface, so you may have the best results for the changes you seek.

Offer $1497 $1111

$383 Savings

Session Duration – 360min 

A Taste of PSYCH-K®️

Experience a Taste of PSYCH-K ® ️, where Mahana (Mary) offers a 30 minute meeting with you on Zoom to assist you in getting unstuck and moving in a positive direction again in your life. This is a 90 % savings from her usual fees. For only $24, you get to make changes at the subconscious level of the mind with the most important piece you are ready to change. We welcome you. It’s time! 
Here’s the link: 

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