Unlocking the Mind's Potential: Testimonials of Positive Transformation

PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop Israel

Have YOU experienced PSYCH-K® yet?

Basic Workshop PSYCH-K®

PSYCH-K® and Relationships

Testimony from attending PSYCH-K® Basic workshop :

     Grateful doesn’t even come close to describing the way I feel about the experience I had this previous weekend attending the PSYCH-K® workshop in East Hampton, NY.  While I was supposed to be halfway across the world competing in Romania, the choice to postpone my Pro debut led me to a whole different experience that not only affirmed my decision, but also offered me the clarity I needed.

      Aside from acquiring some powerful tools to transform limiting beliefs and perceptions into goals that serve my purpose, I learned the value the magic behind synchronicity and gained a newfound awareness within the extraordinary power of pure intent.

      The experience taught me that choice matters, and when made consciously for the right reason it can make a significant difference not only for yourself, but certainly for others as well. The captivating conversations I had this weekend with some of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met, daring to swim in the freezing ocean under the rising sun, the amazing food we shared, the laughs and the tears, altogether made me feel more alive than I’ve felt in a long time and sparked a joy that you simply cannot undo.  If one thing’s for sure, it’s that life is not only about what you do, it’s also about how you do it!

                                                                   — V.P. , New Jersey, USA                                              

“My divorce left me confused, conflicted and drained most days. After having been PSYCH-K®’d, I felt balanced, confident and peaceful - especially after the experience of having Mary bringing in my ex. We were able to agree and finalized our divorce within 3 months. I am so happy! Her sharing this knowledge saved me from years of pain and sorrow.””
“Before my session I felt very blocked in certain areas related to finding safety in the present moment, love and self-worth. Mary guided me through a process of releasing many of my subconscious blocks and healing a difficult relationship. Once dysfunctional programs have left your consciousness your reality changes and it is easy to forget the ways in which you were previously limited, but Mary made this tangible by supporting me to take action on my goal. By making progress in a few key areas, I have seen a ripple effect into my career, self care, relationships and life purpose.”
“There are truly no words that can do justice to the experience of working with Mary. Her comforting understanding of internal life struggles, balanced with her confident yet gentle passion, will undoubtedly create a truly remarkable sense of peace, self-assurance, & self-respect for anyone blessed enough to experience her true gift from God... I am forever changed.”
“My last session was so amazing that I found myself telling several friends and family members how after 30 + years my digestive system is working without having to take a bunch of supplements and digestive aids. The other amazing fact is I’ve been able to run without my knees aching, paining or swelling and the next to no limping of any kind. I can truly say that I’ve tried many energy healing techniques and PSYCH-K® has truly been the most amazing and has improved my quality tremendously and giving me a whole new outlook on the future. I am truly thankful and grateful for PSYCH-K® and the founder and looking forward to taking the training myself real soon.”
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Basic PSYCH-K® 3 Day Workshop

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